English Youth Ballet’s Wolverhampton search for 100 dancers

Oprah Flash,BBC News, West Midlands

English Youth Ballet Giselle scullery maids English Youth Ballet

The English Youth Ballet (EYB) has launched a search for 100 young dancers for a new production.

Boys and girls aged between eight and 18 have been invited to audition at the Wolverhampton Grand Theatre for a production of Giselle.

Successful auditionees will get the chance to dance alongside international professional dancers for three performances in September.

Auditions are being held on 17 June, and will take the form of a regular ballet class on stage.

Giselle tells the story of a young peasant girl who is in love with Albert, a Duke who hides his title and his engagement to another.

When Giselle discovers he has deceived her, she is driven to madness, and dies of a broken heart.

Ben Garner Auditionees in a ballet poseBen Garner

Janet Lewis, the director of EYB, said: “EYB is all about performance experience and this starts at the audition as the dancers are given a regular ballet class with parents and family encouraged to watch.

“We are looking for young dancers of all abilities who can show the audience how much they enjoy their dancing.”

The production will be presented at Wolverhampton Grand Theatre from 6-7 September.

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